This was my last trip into Pilanesberg. After 19 years since my last visit this visit was full of wonderful surprises. Alas, I did not see leopard, buffalo or sable, but the lion kill, kudu and elephant sparring, rhinos, picnics, and so many other wonderful sites brought me incredible joy and worship to God.
On this particular morning I was greeted right out my tent door with another beautiful African sunrise. Off into the park I ventured. I swung by my favorite watering hole in hopes of seeing the lions but the only patron there was this frog catcher perched in the tree. Back on the main road, up ahead was a stopped safari jeep . Grateful for the tip off I pulled up and off on the hillside were a pair of jackals eating who knows what.
I turned up an old favorite road from my trip here 19 years ago and I was not disappointed. Soon there was yet another herd of elephant in the bush. In the pictures you can get a sense of how well they are camouflaged. I found this fellow by looking behind me. As I drove forward he was hidden by the bushes but when I looked back there he was!
Further ahead I finally found some kudu. A juvenile, female, and a couple males with grand antlers. The two males tussled a bit, but nothing too aggressive. Still, it was exciting to see. My morning voyage was all too short and soon it was time to get to breakfast and head to Jo'burg for meetings.
My car was filthy from the dirt roads of Pilanesberg so I paid way too much for a car wash at the safari camp while I strolled through the aviary. All in all it was an amazing time but bitter sweet. I truly missed my wife and kids. One of my sons loves animals and even dreams of owning/designing/working at zoos. He would have loved this. They all would have loved it. God willing we will again return as a family.
Thank you for joining me on this virtual safari.