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Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Deafening Silence

It has been a long silence on this blog.

I am not happy about that.

The noise in my head is deafening. Finding my voice has been a challenge and continues to be a challenge: more noise stuck in my head.


Now to attempt to calm the din and find my voice.

My journey for the past year has seen me complete a master's degree in commuication and leadership. I graduated on Mother's Day Weekend. I enjoyed a beautiful weekend with my wife as we took in the sights and sounds of Gonzaga Commencement. It was a wonderful weekend.

Traveling home on Mother's Day I called my mom from the airport and wished her a happy Mother's Day. My dad was sleeping so I didn't speak with him.

Exactly one week later I spoke to him as he died at my side in Hartford Hospital. I spoke to him but he had not spoken in almost a week.

Then this fall my wife and I celebrated our 25th anniversary! We took a long awaited trip to Alaska. Probably the best vacation of my life. Driving around Alaska with my wife, enjoying the flora, fauna, friends and food was wonderful. With that trip I realized a life-long dream of visiting all 50 states.


the din...

it is incessant.

So I think it is time to continue this journey and the destination for this leg is my voice. Time to face my fears and speak. Ironic for someone who teaches public speaking.

More soon.