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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hungary for more

As the plane drifted through a blue sky and over a mix of red roofed homes, Communist-era buildings and medieval architecture, a sense of excitement mixed with fear washed over me. I was weary from 20 hours of trans-Atlantic travel and the city of Budapest sprawled below. How would Keynote’s story and communication training go over in Budapest? Yet another faith opportunity was before me.
Our team with the Hungarian students

This past week I had the incredible privilege of leading a team of Keynote staff to Budapest. Our task; to train the student leaders and hopefully future staff of Campus Crusade for Christ in Hungary in communication skills and how to weave God’s character into their personal stories. To say that this last week was a smashing success would be an understatement.

First I want to say that the Keynote staff were fantastic to work with. As a leader at Keynote, I saw again the talent, level of commitment to our mission, and love for God that makes our staff so incredible. I could not be more proud of them.

Here are a few of the most satisfying tings I heard from the students and staff in Hungary who were observing the students as we trained them.

“This is the most effective training we have ever had in communication. We have had a lot of training, but you guys focus on the spiritual and clearly practice what you preach.” Lotsi, Student Ministries Director

“We are closer as a team than ever before. Though we have known each other for years we learned things about each other we never knew. You encouraged us to go deep.” David, student leader and organizer of training.

“Our staff members wish they could have been at the training!” Dan Butts, Founder of CCC, Hungary

“You are different from other teachers. You focus on God and care about us. You not only tell us how to communicate, you show us.” Sean, student leader attending training

Lotsi, the Student Ministries Director went so far as to tell us that he could see the growth in communication skills and spiritual maturity in the students. It is his hope that we can return and train the rest of the Hungarian staff. Not only that, they hope to be trained to train others as we have done with our partnerships in Brazil, Panama, Singapore etc.

This trip was easily one of the most rewarding I have been involved in my 23 years on staff with Keynote. I am eager to see where God will grow this ministry after our training and hopeful for our future partnership with the Hungary staff. I am so grateful to my many friends who have made this even possible. This fantastic trip is not possible, nor successful without the prayers and support of our faithful ministry partners. 
Beautiful city, Beautiful people
In this post I have been pretty open about my faith. Rest assured, that people of all faiths, including no faith, are more than welcome to be a part of this blog. After all, we are all on this journey together, and we can all celebrate each other's joys and mourn each other's losses.  I would love to hear your story of a trip you loved. When have you met people and been a part of something energizing and life giving to you?

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